Friday, June 09, 2006

Life in the (un)real world

Well, 3 1/2 months of work has really impinged on my free time so one of the first things to go was a regular fix of internet and e-mail leaving quite a lot of catching up to be done. After all leaving a diary of the amount of fuses, bilge pumps, cables, batteries, switches and lights that I have changed on a daily basis won`t win any awards for literature.

So, Christina has been working hard as a hostess on a day-charter motor catamaran Ubatuba has looked very cute and I have been trying my best not to blow things up or electrocute myself - apart from the fire in the engine room of one boat after a short circuit and a couple of big spark/bang combinations all has gone pretty well. When not busy saving up for a new engine and general overhaul for Oceana we have spent a bit of time on the beach courtesy of my new works transport - a 3.6m rib with a nice 25hp engine (just as well as our old dinghy died after being crushed under Oceana`s stern one night in a storm). We got the dinghy just in time to wizz around when the Heineken regatta was held here - 250 yachts from 100+ feet superyachts to 35 foot charter boats, all very spectacular.

Christina is presently mid Atlantic on a delivery job sailing a 47` yacht over to Tenby, Wales on her way back to London for the summer. Before the boat left, we went for some test sails to check out all the navigation systems with the crew and had a couple of lovely days out snorkeling, drinking and sitting on the beach. Although I`m not sure how sitting on the beach naked covered in a whole body mudpack drinking cold beer is preparation for an Atlantic crossing, it was bloody good fun though!

Oceana is booked to come out of the water and be strapped down to the ground in case of hurricanes and for some overdue maintenance whilst Christina is away, hopefully bringing her up to standard for some cruising around the islands here next year - that is after all why we are here!

So Beware UK! Here comes Christina and Anyone who fancies a Caribean holiday in the New Year start saving up and get in touch soon........

Posted by: Andy & Christina at 2:59 PM

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The beginning of a dream
Tales from Andy & Christina as they sail the world doing whatever they can get away with aboard their yacht Oceana

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