Friday, May 07, 2004

So what next?

We have both had our fill of Salvador for the moment so after this weekend we will be heading off to see some more of Brazil. Before then though we have one more party to go to with some International DJ friends of ours from Portugal (including Paulo Lopez - a blind DJ) then we are off to the country to stay for a couple of days on Diogo's farm for a spot of horse riding. His mother has also vowed to kill me with food!!!! But then we really will be escaping from Salvador for a spot of sailing (if we can remember how) and a bit of relaxation by the beach - palm trees, mangroves, clear water, fresh coconuts and all the peace and quiet we can handle. Well that's what we are searching for and we've been told about a few spots where it can be found so it would be rude not to really.
Besides, the money is running out pretty fast now so we need to get somewhere with no temptation to spend and no tourists to pump up prices.

We'll let you know how it goes...............

Posted by: Andy & Christina at 5:10 PM

Give Trance a chance

Here's a small glimpse into the life of an International DJ:

Friday night put washing in to laundry.
Driver and interpreter arrive.
Drive out to Trance Festival (on way car breaks down at a service station filled with boy racer cars all with banging sound systems).
Get car started again.
Finish driving to Trance Festival.
Sign in to guest list.
Start meeting and greeting.
Chill out get loose and start dancing.
Hang out with other International DJ's.
Watch sun come up over the edge of the wooded valley.
Sit by lake for a while after dancing all night.
Get driven back to town to collect laundry, get a couple of hours sleep and shower.
Get driven back to Trance Festival.
More dancing, meeting and greeting.
Get ready to play a blinding set and show these trance fans what a bit of acid techno can do for your soul.
Realise that the organisers have forgotten one important element - record decks!!!!
Get Brazilian agent to ring round and source some decks.
Realise that it's just not going to happen so get down to some more serious dancing till dawn.
Get driven back to Brazilian agent's apartment.
Shower, chill out and cook slap up meal for entourage.
Crash out finally.

Also it takes a little getting used to (but I'm starting to make real progress here) when people in the street or on passing busses shout out "Hola! DJ Sir Man!" but if that's the price of fame then you have to give and take I guess.

Posted by: Andy & Christina at 4:53 PM

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